Save Earth, While Saving Money
Decrease your energy usage by 15% using Leastric’s energy management solution

Know your electricity usage like a pro!
Tidak pernah semudah ini dalam memantau penggunaan energi anda. Solusi kami membantu Anda dengan :
Monitor your electricity usage anytime
Opportunities to save the usage up to 15%
Plan your saving by knowing your electricity
3 Steps to save your energy
Perangkat Leastric dipasang pada MCB(Mini Circuit Breaker) utama Anda. (kami sarankan menyarankan untuk pemasangan dilakukan dengan bantuan profesional di dalam bidang kelistrikan)
Perangkat Leastric akan membaca arus listrik dan dikirim pada Cloud
Leastric akan mengolah data listrik Andan dan menampilkannya ke aplikasi pada ponsel anda
Solusi Untuk Rumah
Solusi Untuk Bisnis
Smart way to save your electricity
By knowing your electricity, you can plan your own saving. Try it now, and know the different
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Apa itu Leastric?
Leastric is an Indonesian Start-Up that designed to monitor and manage your electricity usage anywhere and anytime. Check out our solution for your business or your home!
How does Leastric work?
Leastric helps you to collect and analyze your electricity usage data by using the internet to send those data to your mobile applications or web dashboards. To get more information about how Leastric works for your home or business, you can contact us for a free consultation.
What is the benefits of using Leastric?
By using our solutions, both business and your home have some benefits.
For your business, Leastric can help you to manage your cost, improve productivity and also save processing time for your analysis and management.
For your home, by tracking and understanding your electricity usage, you can take direct action which will lead you to save your energy.
Apakah data saya aman?
We ensure that user data will not be shared with anyone. Data will only be used by Leastric for product improvement to provide better services to users. For details, read our privacy & policy.
I am still undecided, Is there a way I know how much electricity usage I used before I purchase Leastric solutions?
Yes, there is a way for you to know how much electricity usage you already used. We have a simulation feature that will allow you to estimate how much you already used. You can download di app from App Store or Google Play Store.
To know the detail on how much you used, you need to contact us to buy and install Leastric solutions.
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